Empowering Principals and Leaders to thrive

Personalised support, mentoring and coaching

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New workshop coming soon


Saying 'No' to Win

Date: Thur 13 Mar
Time: 2 - 3pm
Cost: $99
If you want to be a better boundary setter & learn more about '...and no!' this workshop is for you.

Learn why having a 'compass' is crucial and much more.
Book Now

Putting ourselves first is not what we’re taught

When the tank is full Principals are able to best serve others. We hold space for Principals and Leaders enabling them to transform so they can thrive.

Meerkatting verb the skill of pausing and lifting your head. Scanning and thinking strategically, to lead in an agile and proactive way.

ArrowKat Offerings

One to One Sessions,New Zealand
One to One
Personalised sessions that will empower you to own your wellbeing.
Find out more
Group Presentations New Zealand
Group Presentations
A tailored presentation that will challenge and inspire.
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Keynote Presentations New Zealand
A groundbreaking, impactful Wellbeing
presentation that will engage, move &
challenge the audience.
Find out more
Workshop Facilitation
Learn practical ‘tank filling’ strategies and how to implement them.
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PLG Facilitation New Zealand
PLG Facilitation
Collaborate with colleagues in a safe,
high trust environment with a focus on
putting yourself first.
Find out more
We know that it’s not always easy to prioritise yourself. How do we know? We’re walking in your shoes!
If you have questions about time, financial or emotional commitments, please get in touch and we’ll have a chat about how we can help.
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About ArrowKat

Imagine if all Principals were energised, well rested and running on a full tank.
Michael Fletcher is the founder and CEO of ArrowKat and he is on a mission to make this a reality. Michael is a school Principal and an accredited coach. With over 30 years in the education sector, half of that time in senior leadership roles, he appreciates the pressure of working in a demanding role.
He has been instrumental in putting Principal wellbeing on the radar, whether it’s through speaking up for Principals with the MOE, or producing his regular ‘3 tips…’ video clips for Principals.
He is determined to help Principals and Leaders put themselves first.
Michael’s superpower is ‘Holding Space’ and teaching Principals how to develop the skill of ‘Meerkatting’.

EMC Coaching Logolead-logoCOACHING-LOGO

About ArrowKat

Imagine if all Principals were energised, well rested and running on a full tank.

Michael Fletcher is the founder and CEO of ArrowKat and he is on a mission to make this a reality. Michael is a school Principal and an accredited coach. With over 30 years in the education sector, half of that time in senior leadership roles, he appreciates the pressure of working in a demanding role.

He has been instrumental in putting Principal wellbeing on the radar, whether it’s through speaking up for Principals with the Ministry of Education, or producing his regular ‘3 tips…’ video clips for Principals.
He is determined to help Principals and Leaders put themselves first.
Michael’s superpower is ‘Holding Space’ and coaching Principals how to develop the skill of ‘Meerkatting’.

EMC Coaching Logolead-logoCOACHING-LOGO

Contact us

1. Contact us for a no obligation call
2. We will create a personalised plan
3. …and then send you a proposal
4. We will start mahi ngatahi / collaborating
Website contact form

How Our Clients Rate Us

  • "I was a bit embarrassed about the idea of coaching, I didn’t think I really needed it, but was nudged into it by my other half, to at least have a chat with Michael, and annoyingly I discovered he was right. I got over my reluctance quickly and after the first session I was looking forward to the next. I always left smiling, empowered and with an action plan to report back on. The readings he suggested were always relevant and thought provoking, prodding me forward. I moved from a place where I was stagnating, putting off making decisions and making plans (with the usual not enough time, it’s too hard, and overwhelm excuses) and I left feeling more in control and more certain of my direction. I should have done this years ago. After only  four sessions I was in a much better place, I had a smile on my face and a plan I could already see was working for me. I will definitely go back for a booster. Thank you Michael."
    Elizabeth Peterson
    Associate Professor, University of Auckland
  • "Michael is a highly respected school leader who can demonstrate how to successfully balance the needs and priorities of his school. He is continuously developing and refining his leadership skills to create an effective school climate for learning."
    Terry Hewetson. Principal Appraiser.
    Director of Hewetson's Educational Solutions.
  • "What I enjoy about Michael :
    He is full of positivity, the tide in his glass tends to lap reliably near the top.
    He is linguistically gymnastic and can turn phrases round intriguing corners.
    He is a thinker, at times more reflective than a hall of mirrors, his deliberations
    usually lead to the gems.
    He is gleefully curious and loves a good treasure hunt.
    He’s a people person who enjoys, encourages and fosters the prospering of others.
    He’s a modern and authentic leader who is brave, candid and open. He seeks to
    bring the best of himself to the present and enables others to do the same.
    He’s evidently grateful for his life and for those who share, care and dare around him."
    David Pearce, More of Me
  • "Michael is someone you can trust, lean on and learn with”

    Russell Burt
    Principal, Manaiakalani Education Trust, MNZM

    "The mentoring has been incredibly helpful for me and I feel that I now have a clear pathway for the future!"
    Ethan McCormick, Pest Free Howick

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